Here is why you should work on your coordination

If you are an athlete and want to improve your performance, what do you do to achieve your goal?

Lifting weights, stretching, running, balance training, and doing agility work are common routines for many sports training.

How about coordination training? This one is not often incorporated in most people's movement training, I think. But, this is a key to improve your movement efficiency/economy and improve performance.


Even if you improve your pure strength, power, speed, flexibility, and/or endurance, you cannot translate those into purposeful movement unless you have good whole body coordination that allows movement to transmit through your entire body.

For example, no matter how strong your leg, core, and arm muscles are, if they don't coordinate well together, you cannot throw a ball very fast and far or you cannot hit a golf ball very far. Your strength, power, speed, flexibility, and endurance are only as good as your coordination is.

So, how can you improve your coordination?

This is what I focus on my movement training! By improving your coordination you will not only improve athletic performance, but you will also improve overall physical conditions (injuries, pain), and balance.

I have over 100 short movement lesson/exercise videos on my YouTube channel ( ). You can try some of coordination exercises. Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you like my videos.

If you'd like to work with me in person, please contact me. I offer sessions in person as well as online.

Have a great day!

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Movement is essential to our life. Improving movement quality is directly related to quality of our life. Teaching people to move well is my passion. Sign up for Trans4Move Newsletters that will teach you how to improve your movements, functions, and your life!

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My name is Taro Iwamoto. I am a Feldenkrais practitioner and movement expert. I help people develop new and more efficient movement patterns and expand movement options in order to overcome injuries/pain and move beyond limits. Feel free to post in the comments section below and feel free to share this with your friends!