Mindful Breath Awareness Audio Lessons

Mindful Breath Audio Lesson Cover Photo.png
Mindful Breath Audio Lesson Cover Photo.png

Mindful Breath Awareness Audio Lessons


This series includes 3 thirty minute mindful breath awareness AUDIO lessons, based in Feldenkrais Method.

Each lesson will bring new awareness about your breathing, bodies, and mind. It’ll help you discover how habitual movement patterns and posture affect your breathing patterns and how you can create new connection with your body and optimize your breathing and movement.

*After your purchase, you will receive a secure link to digital downloads. Note that they will expire within 24 hours of your first access, so please be sure to download a file (PDF) on your device so you can access it permanently. In a downloaded PDF file you will find the image of a woman sitting. Clicking on the image will take you to 3 audio files. It is actually much simpler and easier than it may sound. If you have any questions, please contact me.

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